

Available for pre-order now: Bicycle/Race: Transportation, Culture, & Resistance. Portland, OR: Microcosm Publishing.

2018. I was the lead author of Untokening Mobility: Beyond Pavement, Paint and Place.

2017. I co-authored Untokening Leadership Succession and Executive Hiring in Active Transportation Advocacy and the Untokening 1.0 Principles of Mobility Justice for the Untokening Collective.

2017. I contributed to Bikequity: Money, Class, & Bicycling, #14 of the Taking the Lane feminist bike zine.

2017. Maryann Aguirre, Adonia Lugo, and Allison Mattheis. “Bicycle Anthropology of Los Angeles.” In Anthropology of Los Angeles: City, Image, Politics. Eds. Jenny Banh and Melissa King. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

2016. "Decentering Whiteness in Organized Bicycling: Notes from Inside." In Bicycle Justice and Urban Transformation: Biking for All? Eds. Aaron Golub, Melody Hoffmann, Adonia Lugo, and Gerardo Sandoval. New York: Routledge.

2016. Together with fellow organizers Naomi Doerner and Carolyn Szczepanski, I contributed to an op-ed about The Untokening for Next City.

2015. Contributor to Critical Sustainabilities: Competing Discourses of Urban Development in California.

2015. “Can Human Infrastructure Combat Green Gentrification?” In Sustainability in the Global City: Myth and Practice. Eds. Cindy Isenhour, Melissa Checker, and Gary McDonogh. New York: Cambridge University Press.

2014. Melody Lynn Hoffmann and Adonia Lugo, “Who is ‘World Class’? Transportation Justice and Bicycle Policy.” Urbanities, 4(1).

2013. Los Angeles Bike Movement History. This is a collaborative timeline of significant moments that moved bicycling in L.A. forward.

2013. “CicLAvia and Human Infrastructure in Los Angeles: Ethnographic Experiments in Equitable Bike Planning.” Journal of Transport Geography, 30.

November 2012. Guest blogger on anthropology website Savage Minds.

2012. “How Critical Mass Built the Los Angeles Bike Movement.” In Shift Happens! Critical Mass at 20. Eds. Chris Carlsson, LisaRuth Elliott, and Adriana Camarena. San Francisco: Full Enjoyment Books.

2012. Curated Collection on Infrastructure. This is an education resource reviewing anthropological work on infrastructure that Jessica Lockrem and I completed for the journal Cultural Anthropology's website.

2012. Seattle Bike Justice Project. Interviews about bicycling with leaders in Rainier Valley's communities of color.

2012. Bicicultures. This is the online home of the Bicicultures partnership, which started as a network of scholars who use qualitative methods to investigate the multiple cultural worlds of bicycling. We've got links to books and articles about bike cultures.

May 21, 2012. LA Streetsblog. "Separate But Eco: Livable Communities for Whom?" with Allison Mannos.

2012. Kroeber Anthropological Society Papers No. 101. "Planning for Diverse Use/rs: Ethnographic Research on Bikes, Bodies, and Public Space in Los Angeles."

2010. “Repairing Bikes, Repairing the City: Supporting Latino Cyclists in Los Angeles.” AGORA: Dutch Journal for Social-Spatial Issues, 26:4.

2009. “(Re)Cycling the City: Biking across Lines in Los Angeles.” Anthropology News, 50:9.

Professional Reports
“Equity Beyond Metaphor: Connecting Active Transportation and Affordability.” Report created as consultant for Safe Routes to School National Partnership.

For League of American Bicyclists (Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Grant ID 71105)
“Who Participates in What Processes? From Groupthink to Democracy in Bicycle Policy Advocacy.”

Adonia Lugo, Elizabeth Murphy, and Carolyn Szczepanski, “The New Movement: Bike Equity Today.”

“Integrating Equity in Bike Advocacy.”

“How CiclovĂ­as Can Unfreeze Streets and Open Them to Equitable Human Infrastructure.” 

Adonia Lugo and Naomi Doerner, “United Spokes: Together in American Streets.”